Wedding rehearsal?(8-5)????t???-?????. Think a lot of road diversion to the East ?????. . Went one better- made an international (6) ??????. Don't include the girl away from home ( 4,3) ??s?,???....
... not. Yet another example of the "rigorous discipline" that is making it...
Dear Customer, Wе havе placеd a hοld οn yοur Amazon accοunt and all pеnding οrdеrs. Wе havе takеn this stеp bеcausе thе billing infοrmatiοn yοu prοvidеd dοеs nοt match thе infοrmatiοn rеcοrdеd with...
............the higher the infection rate. Tis true me luvlies! So, here is the new rap, and I want to see you all doing it. You've heard it before, so there's no excuse: Hands, face, waste of space I...
Hello, I need your help please! I am wanting to apply for a new teaching job, but have an awful headteacher for a boss! If you get short listed for a position within the teaching profession, it is...
Received mine today and it is about 4 and half inches by 4 and half. Have I been taken on. They do say the mats absorb the dogs for hours - not at above measurements....
Help needed with these last few if possible please. The first 3 are carols or songs. 6. Looks like a feeding trough with entrance on it. 8. I'm not sure what it is ,but I seem to remember seeing it...
We aren't, perhaps that's because we haven't been going out to shops etc and mixing with others, Christmas Day was an exception , the furthest I was in tier 3 was to the hairdressers and to have my...
This is a church quiz that I do each year against my brother. There is no prize. There were 100 questions but I am stuck on the last 11. 1. His punishments were fitting (6) 2. The main road (5,7) 3....