for my lunch I am having a curry pot noodle but must have two slices of heavily buttered toast with it, not to dip you understand but just to eat between forkfuls
Just had an email reminder from my insurers about this, that's never happened before so it must be a nasty onelooked for the weather category but can't find one
I thought I'd done it by going to my PC but now I realise they've got different IP addresses? so I still am being bombarded each day by McAphee sometimes 4/5 times a day , this lates one says it's... ...
That includes a town or a city in it , I'll start with the recently departed Roger Whittaker ...
or what's for dinner for you posh Suthhies? I'm doing a chicken curry (Indian) in my slow cooker, the smell now is to die for, Naan bread and Pila rice washed down with our favourite Malbec
Every day sometimes twice a day , I get emails some are quite threatening like 'Everyghing you have like phone ,internet will be affected, you'll lose everything' I know it's Spam and I treat it... ...
On holiday my son in law wore these very tight skin hugging grey shorts that were reminiscent of what George Michael wore in 🎶Wake me up before you go-go 🎶 he was peering over the terrace one... ...
poor woman has had another COVID attack on top of the previous one she'd start recovering from,I know a lot of people like Minty and I know how much she's missed on AB by a them, I've just spoken... ...
first time we've used these on holiday and I'm hooked, they're small sheets you place inside your washing machine which disperse the washing substance , they themselves evaporate so there's no... ...