18 down mob,s throwing women,s institute out(6)
20 across it,s passed down in Russian museum losing millions(8)
22 across dish of rocket and nuts facing ladies perhaps(8)...
9 across next to hospital ,try and supply main outlet(7)
16 down small sign in bar once burnt in hearth(5,4)
24 across bread and cheese inspires old chief(7)...
6 across car follows U S ,river to find pest.(8.6)
11 across grow about50 for the first time in estate(8)
4 down pig-headed board ordered to pen union note(8)...
1 across Location of various web authors around Spain{11}
1 down Stand for European pitch met estimate{7,8}
4 down black and blue cab wrecked back of tractor motor{6.3}...
10 across involve English doctor with rare painting(7)
19 across British imperialist governed one nation state(5,6)
23 across Youth leader blocks radio? that,s a harsh rule(7)...
2 down carving popular carol around cradle(10)
13 down select flawed old photo taken by long distance viewer? (10)
29 across sort of order from a large busy caliphate british occupied(12)...
1 across maybe book renovated patio in club(11)
1 down what enables writer to make a good point?(6.9)
16down maybe ball delivered underarm is too darned tricky(9)...
16 down a chemist managed to hide source of circuit diagram (9)
28 across on which to play 25 down on one,s feet(7)
29 across hairy tutor,old American impresses republican(11)...
1down poor coaching lacking adult? they may be in the soup(7)is it
3 down refuse collector split custard at rear of restaurant(8)
7 down think, fit means significant,(12),...
4 down zoo patron managed to produce tiny organism(9)
6 down geocentric metal polluted this sort of field(15)
29 across writer,s son returns wretched but supportive(11)...
1 down liam,s ok if treated with short 24 and laxative (4.2.8.)
26 across mad Caribbean plan store uranium in unstable state (6.8)
8 down edit NHS piece about exact report without quotes(8.6)...
7 down joint beside old port in kent makes punch(7.8)
12across terrified can we strike after work(3.8)
14 across such decency involving son could lead to prosperity (9))...
1 across oil split in different monsieur,s style(11)
4 down he goes off with Latvian to find what swallowed 20(9)
16 down chief steward lifting stick? soldiers change mood (5-4)...
13 across joyful cry quells a free for all for ben hur say (10)
19 across unspecified modern English phrase I name in time(13)
7 down I vaguely arranged to tour eastern US colleges(3,6)...
6 across officer in bar behind Alhambra annoyed president(7.7) 3 down someone who throws,say a bit of polo(6) 8 down mercy signs novel, novel about nature(6,8) 24 across principal article covers river...
23 across military assistant has a crazy idea to abscond(4.2.4)
31 across have targets unexpected bonuses for the other side(3.5)
29 across see pills shaped like these? (8)...