Hello all, help needed please, 10d) coach employs magic in sporting event (7,5) 7d) students of roots mostly get so excited touring island (12). 27a) stones damaged leg behind its lower part (7) 20d)...
18a) Religious adherent overthrows a Russian leader (5) 18d) Withdraw what groundsmen do to worn lawns, say (6) 19d) Model knelt when binding lower legs with these? (7) 27a) First letter in Enigma...
Brandish fist during,for example, meet (7). I have S?T?S?Y. Can it be SATISFY, if so why? Many thanks for inteest and any help. Even my wife would be grateful!!!!! .....must be copying someone...
21d) It's continuously worn by drivers about to stop lady (7)
29a) Teacher's impolite about introducing Roman statesman (8)
31a) He copies writer's IT schedule after it's returned (8)
22a). Conduct business, putting brief reply in leaflet (8)
18d). Dress idiot when stripped (6)
23d). One in 10 climbed without 14 (4)
Thanks for any help...