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Someone is parking vehicles on my land can I move them off the land ?
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1D Painting technique using opaque water colour paint ?o?a?h? 6d Destructive ? 23d An alarm or warning Alert ? 8d ?y?t?r mushroom Thanks...
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12A A community of living organisms and their physical environment E?o???t?m 30a Shrub native to Mexico P?i?s???i? 32a A person who works to bring about political change ?c?i?i?t Thanks...
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last one 36a A fine linen or cotton fabric ,used for clothing L?w? Ta...
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24d Big cats of the African and Asian forests L?o?d?d? 28a Peloponnese ? 22a Deficient in amount quality or extent M?a?r? 32a Saudi Arabia's capital ?i???h Thanks...
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2D Calamine ? 3d In hinduism a sacred word ?a???a 17d Dried powdered fruit used as a spice S???? 25a (of a disease) developing slowly C?r?n?? 34d A cold sea mist H?a? 38a D?n?e? Mays actor who played...
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If someone becomes deaf through old age are they required to state this when renewing their licence ?
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3d Method S?s?e? 12d States emphatically ?e?l?r?s Ta...
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17A Consent ?p?u?e?c? 21a Deer ?i?g? 5d Winds ?e?e?e? Thanks...
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3d Turn a handle ?r?n? 21a Whirl around Stir ? 25a One under par ?i???e 26d Ineffectual person ??i? Thanks...
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8a Borrower Renter ? 5d Reverse one's opinion Back track ? 7d Drink other than water ?e?e?a?e 15d Racing sledge ?o?????g? Thanks...
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2d Without any movement ?d?c? n?i?l 4d Volatile flammable liquid ?t?a??? 18a Wailing spirit ?c?s??? Thanks...
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24D An engraving or incised figure in stone or other hard material ?n?a?l?o 30d A brownish grey colour T?u?e 29a Eucharist? Thanks...
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15a Canadian hairy beast s/s/u/t/h 36a Earths liquid and frozen surface water groundwater A?d???????e 28d In music to be played very fast ?r?s?o Thanks...
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5a ??a???t?r?l mark ,a symbol placed above or below character or letter to indicate it ha a different phonetic value 13a A city in Northern France on the River Seine where Joan of Arc Was cooked.Royen...
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??????? Engineering motorcycle manufacturing company founded in 1885 10a The first letter of the hebrew alphabet ??e?? 11a In Greek myths the lover of Hero ????d?? Thanks...
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i have a cherry fruit tree in my front garden, every year I get a mss of blossom promising a bountiful harvest of cherries.In spite of putting nets over the whole of the tree the birds get at the...
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LAST ONE 13D Set free ?m?n?i?a?t Thanks...
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5d Utopian I?e???s??? 12a Signal of safety ?????e?r 19a Silent ????????? 24a Roman statesman ?????? 20d Written message ????t?? Thanks...

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