What is your dream job? Are you doing it, or anything like it?
I love peace and quiet, solitude, nature. I would love to be a lighthouse keeper - if I had internet access, of course....
According to a recent survey, the mid-life crisis is now striking a little earlier than is traditionally expected:
"21% of men and women aged 35 to 44 said they felt lonely a lot of the time, and a similar percentage said that bad relationships, either at work or home, had left them feeling depressed."
Why? Well:
"Working long hours,
Well folks its Wednesday tomorrow, does Wednesday mean anything to you this week? For me - Wednesday means - Rubbish collection day. Having a new bedroom suite delivered. New bedroom curtains being...
Where did you have the best breakfast ever, other than home cooked . I havent been anywhere posh, but I think the best Ive had is on P&O ferries on day trip to France!
That guy's online on facebook. Should I chat to him? But what do i say? I don't want to sya something silly and someone else is there with him . . . . BTW we never arranged to go somewhere this...
It works like this: A city beginning with C. Cairo. A drink beginning with D Dandelion and Burdock. A fruit beginning with G. Guava. Answer the above brain teaser and then post your own. I'll start...
I started to notice a pain yesterday on my left side. It feels like a slight stabbing pain about 2 inches below my left nipple but feels like its inside (lungs?) It felt particularly acute last night...
Can you understand how a 17 year old guy, who is dead gorgeous, tall, with dark hair and eyes, who is intelligent, kind, funny and works out at the gym (he has nice pecks, arms and legs) has never had...
I just had a parcel delivered to my address that isn't for me or my partner. On phoning the carrier (Interlink) they told me to open the parcel and look for an invoice from the sender and contact them...
I've been a care assistant for a few years now and have noticed how many old people (some with dementia, some without) 'perform manuals on themselves'. This is the term staff in work use. I can't...
must be bad if the sweaties won't even go! Can the indians get this sorted? or is this just the start of a Domino effect!...
If you were going to have only one piece of fitness equipment in your home what would it be? I want to get one piece of gym equipment, whether it be a rowing machine, cross trainer weights etc. Just...