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Keyplus of course. You seem to have been absent of late though you seem to posting tonight so a few questions for you (if you dont mind). Supposing that you live in a perfect muslim theocracy how...
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amo amas amat amamus amatis amant How useless is that ??...
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Why don't you and Bob use that. I see a definite attraction there and I think it's smashing as you are two lovely people Bobbi ♥....
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Since we've had Brangelina, Bennifer and Jedward - can we now have No-Jugs? ;)
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to book my holiday now, has the ash cloud gone for good?
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At what age do you think is acceptable for a girl to have there ears pierced? My 7year old is begging to have hers done. do you think this is too young? personally I don't , but my wife feels that if...
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Hey all, GCSE christian perspectives exam TOMMOROW. Very nervous, been revising for months and months. Anyone have any last minute pointers that might help ? Taa :)...
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I just wanted to say I think you are fine and stuff. XXX...
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I just wanted to say I think you are fine and stuff. XXX.. oh forgot.......and i love your smile........teef or no teef....
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A couple of years ago freak weather conditions brought clouds of red dust over parts of the UK from the Sahara. Why didn't it clog jet engines in the same way that the Icelandic dust does?
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Hey guys this might sound weird but i really need a poo and i can't right now im at school on my phone and i need to find a way to stop myself from pooing myself as im on the verge of messing up my...
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Provided there is no discrimination or incitement to racial hatred etc, is it so wrong to have a pre-conceived opinion that is not borne out by fact. When I used to travel extensively I came across so...
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my neice who we've only met today is coming for tea, but dad didn't check if she had any dietry requirments. So what did he do, he bought a £30 piece of beef and now has found out she can't...
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Whilst I was looking out of my lounge window this morning, I saw a large car pull up at the end of my drive. The driver held up a camera, took a picture of the house and the drive and then drove off....
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My laptop keeps telling me to press the Any key, where is it on the keyboard because I can't find it! Help...
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HI all any advise appreciated, I was on and off with this girl, for about seven years, we would break up, then get back together for a few weeks, or even months, and then it would go pear shapped for...
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I recently exchanged phone number/emails with a nice guy I met on the internet and we started to text every hour of the day and night. He was keen as mustard, you could just tell. If I sent a text,...
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Earlier, supersuezy 24 was asking about hangover cures. Here's a suggestion right from your side of the Atlantic. http://www.torontosun...0/05/16/13965226.html...
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so do your best to entertain me joke poetry whatever you like the stage is yours !!!!!!...
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Have you ever kissed a friend and wanted more?

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