Sorry - I put this posting in the wrong place - but here goes - a very good friend of mine collapsed yesterday morning and is on a life support machine with the above. Apparently her lungs are ok and...
In these austere times where we are all having to cut back is it time to increase the TV licence as we won't be going out so much and will therefore need some more high quality TV programs to sustain...
The other day when I was biking to school over the field at the back of my house, I saw a 4x4 pull up in the distance, someone get out, and a bang. This would have been between 8.15 and 8.25, and the...
The refuse collectors or dust men as I call them leave the wheelie bins on the pavement round here. This morning I woke up to a crashing noise and found that my bin had blown over and just missed...
1) Don't eat yellow snow 2) Never tell your (now ex) partner during a drunken argument "I may be an *** but i'll sober up, you'll always be a fat ugly munter" 3) If you feel the urge to...
In the butchers this morning I spotted some home made faggots and asked for some. The woman serving me said I couldn't use that word and said they were called rissoles. The world has gone mad! Today Left or Right we have all come together on this special Remembrance Day, but who once again shows no respect? Yes our so called fellow countrymen, the followers of...
last night i was driving back froma friends house about 2am, andf came to a dead cat in the road...i got out to look incase it was still alive, but its was quite clearly very newly dead... what should...
My ex and I have two children. One the 12 year old lives 7 days with me and 7 days with his dad the other a 10 year old lives with me and sees her dad. Since the 12 year old has moved with his dad my...