I think we should all guess what Bel looks like, whoever gets closest gets a prize! (Decided by Bel)I'll go first!4 ' 7"Grey hair,wrinkles,a squint,a hunchback,and three teeth.Next guess???
if you want to settle whatever problem you have with me face to face i would be happy to oblige as you are clearly obessed with me, now either put up or shut up and go spend time with your wife you...
You been missing me? Everytime i've come on, i've just missed you or something. I was on for a little while this morning then i had to go and do my christmas shopping. How are you today anyway?
And got you your prezzies. (Well this is what Lore said that you would want): Pixi - http://www.bigfoto.com/miscellaneous/photos-01/buttons-4 7fd.jpg Elvis -...
Me and my bf was having a little discussion about it and I think Wayne is uglier than Hernan but my bf disagrees. Wayne Rooney http://united.no/data/images/gettyimages/2004-2005/stock/rooney-05.jpg Or...