does any know what this logo is for .. can only describe it as 3 sided capital N in mainly blue and green with some red and yellow ..... any suggestions welcome .. thanks also penguin in a half black...
all the following are sequences.. can u help me identify the next item in each one : red,yellow,green,brown,blue,pink,? 1, 18, 4, 13, 6, ? B,C,N,O,F,Ne,Na,? T,N,E,S,S,F,? Z,X,C,V,B,N,? If you come up...
doing a puzzle where the clues relate to old money ie: bicycle = penny farthing leather worker= tanner stuck on this one part of a monkey's leg =?? any suggestions ???
17d wodehouse's best.... (4) p*u*.... i think the answer might be plum, and i know wodehouse's first name was pelham.. but still can't see the connection unless it's the pronunciation and 'plum'...
12a old invader's battle-cry held back c?l? 10a heath's advantage split opposing sides ?e?g?r..... i 've got ledger (edge between left and right) but can't see what that's got to do with heath! any...
33a twisted metal necklace or armband -o-c ... thought i was going to do it all by myself this week .. but cant think of this one !! Thanks in anticipation of your genius
if you are on british gas essentials tariff and are on an electric prepayment meter have you checked to see if you are being charged correctl;y... i'm not , and according to british gas ther is a...
anyone have any information about max quarterman, known as superhod? i know that working as a brickie in america in the 1980's he became a millionaire, but does anyone know of any newspaper features...