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Items to be found in school 1 Tables that help lumberjacks get into the swing, we hear (10) 2 Slangy dessert served with a cheeky French hock (9) 3 Not only worn by cross-dressers (4) 4 Over the top...
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A song associated with the Christmas/Winter SCROOGE! (4,2,9) Thanks in advance for any help...
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All the answers contain the word KING. 1) 19th century Millworker’s children’s pastime (8,5) 2) Search for a way in (4,7) Thanks in advance for any help....
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Clues to celebrities past and present. No clue as to number of letters given. 23. American flat for Miss Tarbuck where she gets fried or boiled 32. Little Lawrence turns over a new leaf 48. A type of...
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No letter count given 42 starving/animal.seen as , as hungry as a bear /wolf. Any help which on it is? Thank you very much x...
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shaley excellent type of chap 3,4,2,3,5 2..... evening treat for a prince 1,5,5,3 any help please?...
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Number in bracket denotes size of word 1 general and transport (6) 2 bottom and bill (6) 3 up and quartets (5) 4 star and cover (4) 5 lip and aloud (4)...
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1 win with a cookie! (7) 2 greater and lesser notes calcium (7,3,7) Thanks in advance for any help...
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Looking for a 10 letter word connecting the following words Slumber, Siesta, Catnap Thanks in advance for any help...
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Answer is wholly or partly animal Not a fast creature (4,5) Thanks in advance for any help...
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All answers are connected with time 29) A good time for US bonds this afternoon 33) Dance for a small French dog? 41) She is involved with unknown mad men 52) Root vegetable making a comeback for a...
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Stuck on two. The answers will be doctors real or fictional. 29 His dog Dick was mentioned in his citation 10,7,5,5,8,1,1. 41 American business manager and owner who sounds like a brand of toothpaste....
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24)Exist between two rods (8) 7)Ale spilt in front of self (5) 8)Short month meets royal (7) 15)Direction leads Achilles to pub argument (11)...
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separate exaggeration about bird and headless cat: YAEEHHPTN Thanks...
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Cryptic clues to tv programmes 1) The Ugly Duckling (3,3,3) 2) Is On (3,5) Thanks in advance for any help...
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sorry folks my computer locked itself up ,not sure if there was a reply so cannot thank anyone the question was dough.... binder could this be ring
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Answers are makes or models of cars 1 Battle of the ? 2 John Lennon sang this 3 Is it a light bulb? Thanks in advance for any help...
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Cryptic Pop Stars & Groups Icelandic Australian? (5,5) Thanks in advance for any help...
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name of a TV presenter from the following letters 7 and 3 I have NSDIOUSRE? THANX FOR ANY HELP IN ADVANCE...
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All answers are either real or fictitious cooks/chefs 14) A ragged lady meets the policeman's child (7,6) 20) In Diane's first book is she catering to anybody? (8,"5", 4,6) 24) Landlady to The Hollies...

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