Our neibours took down our hedge and clearly put there fences on our land. Becuse we are absolutely peney less and we have checked we cant get legal aid nor much help from CAB. We have been...
there was a retired polcee man on anwesrbank sujusted how to deffend the speeding offence caught on camra please help i cant see your advice any where now
our neighbour has put his fences not where they were on our side. we have submited 100% proof with photografs. their solicetors is thretening us with injunction not take them down. how can we stop...
if a court order was by cosent between two neighbours over a boudry dispute. can the same order be up held by new neighbours? because of this order and boudries confirmed by fences where they are now,...
Our neighbour has put his fences clearly not where they were and on our side we have submited 100% sold proofs. with photographs Their solicetor is thretening us for injuntion not to take down thease...
Please, what is the difference between a court order and consent between neighbours? what do they look like? The case did go to court and the document I have in my possetion says BY CONSENT IT IS...
our nabour put speed bumps in his own drive and we have right of way exesse over it! ther was no leteer, no warning, there are no sighns even now and at night they are not lit. at night i was wlking...
our nabour rebuilt a delapedated oast house as living house with no building regulations i.e. no damp corse no lantens over the windows or patio doos, and now has a crack on the wall on our side. it...
our nabour has cut down a boundry hege to its stems. most of it has died because of it. and have erected his fence agaist it. on our deeds on the fence there is a S mark. we don,t know what this means...