Just stuck on three, no numbers of letters given - 27. Sightless narcotic (the answer is a bird) 62. Mexican image recorder (the answer is the name of a pop group or band) 86. You'll need other ways...
Just stuck on one, the number of dashes are the number of letters, so it can't be - The pen is mightier than the sword. 48 The _ _ _ _ is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than the _ _ _ Any ideas?
Just stuck on two (answers linked with, or refer to, or sound as though they contain eggs) 21. Found also with start and teacher (4) 28. Sounds like a painful cricket ball (3,5)
Just stuck on one, posted it a couple of days ago, but no luck. Answer is related with the Police in some way, either equipment, rank, procedures etc. No number of letters given. 26. Provocative or...
Stuck on the following, all answers are related to the police in some way, either equipment, procedures, ranks etc. No number of letters given. 14. In botany, the upper part of the calyx. 16. Cuff or...
Just stuck on two, answers relate to sports equipment etc. No number of letters given. 29. Fish gear (could it be something kit??) 32. Cut with blade mountain 'cycle (could it be score something??...
Just stuck on 3 clues 6a Extracted what had been repellent (6) S _ C _ E _ 16d Coupling I'm first damaging (9) I _ P _ _ _ ING 27a More likely to stop one from seeing the wood for the trees? (7) L _ A...
Just stuck on the following three: 3. Do you hear that cattle feed here? (5) 38. Presumably this is where the sea begins (5,3) 91. Where is "the Vine" said to be the oldest cricket ground in England?...
Just stuck on two, answers are all related to food or drink. 38. Where traditionally does a clootie dumpling come from? (Is it just Scotland, or is it a place in Scotland, if so, I can't find it!) 40....
Really struggling this week, if I could get the following two answers it may help with the others. 1d Daily found in the pub (5,9) L _ C _ L / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (I presume it is LOCAL something) 24a...
Have done all of this quiz apart from four of the pictures, is there anyone doing this quiz that could possibly give me a few clues to numbers 1, 8, 18 and 20 please?