well its actually afternoon here. i just ordered a kfc and i start work in 4 hours. im still in bed though. please noone else make a good morning thread as i want to be special. mind you some of you...
surely if the mouse got a lucky strike and went straight for the nuts the rotweiler would go down? i only ask because i once saw a mouse running on the floor and saw a rotweiler within like thirty...
my friend told me saw tv footage of a guy chatting up a hamster. i thought it was pretty sweet but then he told me he stuck the hamster in his a................ is this normal? u eat meat right?
oh i live in my own small bubble of a world and anything different must be not right. lol. you guys havent travelled, partied, actually ever have a flare for life apart from your fire mantle peice....
i once saw a really ugly ginger 40 year old run down the streets of bankok wearing nothing but a pink g string. i met him in a bar a few days after and he was been really sleezy to all the girls. he...
well i was thinking of doing something really special for my girlfriend this valentines day. i was thinking of shaving a heart shape in my chest hair. what do you think?
i just went in the kitchen to find the cleaners havent done the washing up! im utterly flabberghasted as i kept my flat clean this week more than i normally do. i really am speachless