chocolate biscuit for N Z Prime minister {7 6 )one hundred precedes confused golfer (3 6)drinkinchant before firearm (8 7 )alanturns to dom (anag )(6 6 ) many thanks in advance
11a Departure by a man, at last. T?n?e??. 24a. Hard done by nurse's house. H?????r. 12d. Substance on the rise, many say ??l. 21d Too long like old clothing. Al??. many thanks in advance.
Filming of mass slaughter with this in Texas (8). Bubbling device in aquarium (7). Device on a archery bow rest to keep an arrow true (7). Timmy's hit, but not to a "T" nominally...
Filming of mass slaughter with this Texas (8) Bubbling device in aquarium (7) Timmy's hit, but not to a "T" nominally (6) Computer programme that controls IP networks (6) Does it open the...
vessel slicer (5 5 )witches spell instead of open sesame perhaps
(3 3 )a simple drawing programme on many computers (10)traders holding the product(6)...
27a Policies of an Irish Roman Catholic society founded end of 18th century ?e?e?d?r?s?. 8d pertaining to the ancient people of the Netherlands ?a?a?i?n many thanks in advance.