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People say that it was the only light of its kind for over 2,000 miles. And when it went out, it was laid to rest in its very own coffin. There are still many lights like it, though, so tell us what...
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what colorful state's capital gets more days of sunshine than Miami Beach
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This bandit was born in San Francisco in 1895 and, a decade later, gave rise to a gang that has been taking people's money ever since. What is it and what's its name?
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starting with "let'er buck!"
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Dont be lazy here...yes..if u have a answer u need to verify fine..ask that in the question...
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What's the name of the utah road that has one hell of a scenic drive waiting for you if you've got the spine for it., including a scary wooden bridge and hair-raising vertical drops?
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Usually, showdowns in vegas end with a winning hand. But in 1880, one ended with a dead lawman. Name him.
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He's a rodeo legend who's broken more bulls than bones. She's a musical gem who's broken some bones at his ranch. Name this famous pair.

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