All answers are connected with Australia: 1. Can't score goals here (5) 2. Mexican style rugged stone (4,4) 3. Dark elegant bird (5,4) 4. Untruthful flier (8) 5. Male goat outlawed person from the IOM...
Hi, I think I might have finished this crossword, but I may have an answer wrong, and another, although I know it's right, I can't fully understand why. Ok, Carpenter loses a minute returning third...
23d Ancient person of Eurasia endlessly cutting a swathe round its eastern edge.(8) S?I???A? 30a Black font as source for religious service? (6,4) ???R?H ?E T
What was the name given to the person in the royal court and other wealthy homes who was in charge of all celebrations from Christmas to 12th night. Thanks
1 dont mention the war 2 dont some mothers have them 3 i have a cunning plan 4 i'm only here for the beer 5 hello, me old pal, me old beauty 6 we're getting there
All answers are beers, wines, spirits or cocktails. 1. Spirit in a trap (3) 2. White Projectile (8) 3. Increase One's Jewellery (6,7) 4. Ponder Over Drink (6) 5. Drink for 'Four Seasons' (6) 6. Ban...
I'm stuck on the following---each has two word answer with one letter different eg. crash and crush. this fashion is old hat it''s a bit wet----but i quite enjoy it designer footware? or just a mess...
Clues to colours, eg. Communist would be red. 1. Apple 2. We're told it's a starter. Don't know how many letters required. Both of these could be green, but this is already in the quiz as...