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can someone tell me please how to get rid of an xxx dialler i have looked in ad remove it is not there i have downloaded spybot that wont remove it either if i cant remove it i am putting a hammer...
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hi i have been off work since feb 2004 after having a hip replacement . i am due to go in on august this year ro have the other one replaced, in the meantime i handed in my notice at my place of work...
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has anyone who has had a hip replacement done a marathon
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in sandwich kent the old cooling towers are still there ,they have red lights on the top and half way down for aircraft , how do they change the bulbs the light at the top is about twelve feet down...
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what is the most popular song in the world and what is the second and third
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how do they get the hole through the needle, i was told it was done using a method with sand. thank you
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Is there a legal limit than you can erect a fence in your back garden runmning paralel with your neighbours boundry thank you .
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If we discovered another planet that was primitive and we had acces to it how would we bring it into the our future ? slowly or at a faster rate than our evolution providing they wanted to advance.
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How do you know when you run out of invisible ink
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Why are they called green goddesses
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is Sir Edmund Hillary still alive and well. thank you
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when shop scales are checked by weights and measures who says that there weights are correct
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who was joe soap
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hi where did the saying come from "Give him/ her/it plenty of leeway". Thanks, DC
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can anyone tell me if the ryder company lease vehicles to the british army ie tanks lorries etc, thank you. D campbell.
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are the government going to introduce insurance disks on windscreens as well as tax discs to combat insurance frauds. i do know that they now have a data bank to confirm if you are insured just by...
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anyone seen the film PIRATES starring Walter Matthau
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is charlie drake still alive

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