Has anyone had this done and would you recommend results?
I have seen this advertised onTV but can't remember company name. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...
What L is a traditional stopping point en route to a funeral. What GWD is a main entrance to a cathedral. W-G... inlaid entrance, figuratively speaking.
Still stuck on Bangers (models, makes of cars)18. James' little vehicle(4,7)33. Flair (4)34. The captain was a pirate (6)grateful for any help -thanks.
Still having trouble with a few. Can anyone help? Bangers: 12. First force or Aircraft carrier (8 letters). Booze: 17. The Right Reverend (6 letters). 20. Bill's drunk on a bridge (7 letters). 23. The...
Can anyone help with any of these? Birds: 1. Fish in the sky (8 letters) Bangers: 5. Old London gardens (8 letters) 12. First force or Aircraft carrier (8 letters) 16. Mythical beast (6 letters) 26....
the answersmust be the COMMON name of a flower. I could do with some help on the following clues the best policy fancy having a bunch of flowers for a surname! sensible for a good retirement this'll...