looking for circuit board on my halsted gas boiler ach675149439 searched the net no one appears to stock them has the firm stopped making these parts...
50 across position place (9) letters _ I _ a _ d _ o _ 89a not listened to (7) letters _ n _ e _ _ _ 98a quite likely to be voted in (9) letters e _ e _ t _ b _ e 100a semi-circular object (4 & 4) h _...
50across putting your trust in ( 7 & 2 )_ e _ y _ _ _ o_ 8 down vibrated dramatically (8) _ u _ d _ r _ d 51 down agile supple (6) _ _ m _ l _ 65 down untidy unkempt person (4) s _ o _ 94 down ability...
my newspaper was torn and 73 &74 questions are missing does anyone have the anser to these two questions and also to 23 acrossedge of the ocean (8) letters _ e _ _ _ o_ e down (8) letters _ a _ c _ _...
has anyone else noticed with daily express big Monday crossword that the quiz numbers are in the wrong place with the express accept our completed answers help pleaseas we don't want to post if is not...