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Please tell me… “Dubliners heart set on pin up” I have -I-I-N but I can’t see the answer. I have done the rest, I think!...
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Threatening to have party for graduate experiencing sorrow. Answer Doleful. Why? Doleful =sorrow, party =do. After that I am lost, assuming I am right. Thanks...
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Spectator "DECTET" US footballer half nervous ran out I think it is ENDED but I can't parse the ED. Am I right or wrong? If right, why. It's the last one in incidentally. Took me a couple of days on...
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stokes main furnaces at last for hosts? I have SCO-ES Are they correct? I can't spot a mistake and can't see a word to fit. (Last clue incidentally; otherwise completed) Thanks...
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I have completed this except 47ac I have O-I-E and I can’t find a word that fits any definition. Have I got a letter wrong? Someone put me out of my misery please Thanks...
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What makes ham have harmful ingredient? Answer Venom. In the Times blog it explains VE, NO M. It then says it’s a clever clue. Too clever for me that’s for sure, even by Thursday Times standards...
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Parse please. Former scorer missing a run. “Maker” I suppose a maker forms things cut scorer etc? No idea. Thanks...
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Parrot like Irish object of education. Yoketoed. Why? I see yoketoed=zygodactyl but where is the Irish? Thanks...
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Spectator. Last clue I can’t get. Most lavish plants are deadheaded in fort. (6) I have -e-st and I think the sixth letter which has been removed is F. The remaining 5 letters make up a real word...
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Spectator: left behind over pinching weights in China. Answer Taels (I think). Why? Thanks...
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Source of energy damming river flow. Answer “stream”. Why? Is there a river Stram that the E can dam?...
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Last Mephisto clue Segregating no longer fair involving deception. (10) I have hi?s?ll?n? Thanks to anyone able to help...
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Good evening. Regarding Mephisto 3138, I have done it but can’t for the life of me parse some answers -pupil -Rebecca -Hesper -sister -Horace ( I know the poet and Rumpole’s first name but clownish...
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Like barbershop, the creation of R Smythe Fitzgerald. The answer is a cappella but who or what is R S F and what is the connection? Thank you...
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1. This might make soccer player score leap cry. A. Anagram. Why? 2. Sort of cross having wasted chicken portion? A. Thigh. Why?...
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Fighter perhaps shows such exceptional speed over track. Answer is Warplane. Why (I get that it’s a fighter)...
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If 1ac is starship....why ? High speed craft succeeded in catching sailors. Is hip catching?...
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I can’t parse Cattle fed with silage ultimately supporting beef = Hereford And Twist say regularly in speech as picked up by some = Orphan. Oliver Twist and perhaps RP for speech but I can’t put it...
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Take away copper and half of lead from rear of toy? Answer is “minus”. Why?...

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