I've finished the crossword (quite straightforward this year), but there are more unchecked letters of the 12 Lookalikes in the completed grid than Cyclops has given (60) in the preamble. Anyone else...
I've definitely seen two of the contestants - the guy in the floral shirt and the young woman - in quiz shows on TV before, but which ones? Univ Challenge, Only Connect, The Chase, Millionaire?
One town some see as two oddly (8) e???????
Bond taking cue from agent holding firm in Belfast? (5) n????
Like taking off gear at night that includes gaudy tops (4,1) a???,?...
I think the female celebrities have a huge advantage in this, as they can be led by the professional male dancers. The male celebrities have it harder as they have to lead the pro women dancers - much...
It's been mentioned several times that the horse that Tommy has bought with the intention of it running in The Derby is female - but surely female horses run in The Oaks, not The Derby? The Derby is...
Apparently Chris Evans morning radio show has gone down in ratings - perhaps if he didn't keep mentioning cars he'd be able to hang on to his audiences. I gave up listening in long ago.
I have two of these in different spots in the garden. One is fine and the leaves starting to turn. The other one, the leaves appear to be dying at the edges and the leaves curling up. Should I prune...