I have been nosing on there now! Can someone tell me, what the hell is a 'Red friend key ring'? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RED-FRIEND-KEY-RING_W0QQ itemZ170225176187QQihZ007QQcategoryZ88433QQssP...
Seeing Knobby's comment about Trinny and Susannah made me realise that I have not seen their show here in a long time. I have a channel called BBC America. We get these shows: Footballers wives, How...
I registered and also posted a question on 2 June. I logged in today (3 June) and can't see the question. Is there an approval period? Is there a "MY Question" button ?? Cheers BUT when I was posting...
Does anyone know any possible reasons why, when I right click a download link, the 'save target as' option is greyed out? Any answers will be appreciated!
Can someone explain this to me? The search facility keeps returning `No relevant questions found' -- even when I can SEE that there's a relevant question (like a question referring to a Sunday...
I know this site is mostly a UK dite but im from the US, I would really like to find a site like this but is mostly US, one of the questions I had asked was a law question and I cant get help from it...
My Kodak C613 shows "Lens error 115,0,0,221" (or variously 222 or 223). Does anybody know, please, what this means, and can it be fixed without a charge exceeding the camera's value. Any info will be...
Anyone any idea why Andrew Muir, who sang Imagine, had no choice but to sing it (according to him, the choice was out of his hands). I would have thought he would be allowed to sing what he wanted. It...
Now that final of "Britain's got talent" has been won, do you agree with the results? What do you think the first three should have been? Do you think that there should be a separate competition for...
Which Americanism(s) that have crept into the English language, do you hate the most? The one that jangles my nerves the most is when people want to buy something in a shop and say "Can I get a"...
I read this book in college prep english about 10 years ago while I was a senior in high school. All I can remember about it is that its about two friends in a boarding school and in the end one dies...
Had some really helpful advice here on Saturday about buying a dvd recorder. We're learning slowly how to use it but the instructions really blind us with science or we're thick! Theres a few things...
English society, it really said it all today. Ive recently arrived back home after being in the audience of a tv programme that is been filmed in Manchester. When myself, Mrs. wiz and the two wizlets...
Can anyone recommend a good DVD recorder for under ?100? I'm not worried about it having a digital receiver or anything just the ability to record and be played back on other dvd players and PCs
All i can remeber is that it's set in the 80's in america. It is about a blonde haired boy who is kidnapped. The police and his mother think he is dead but never give up hope. The police go to a house...