46a Person who applies somethig improperly or excessively? (7) M_s_s_e_r 18a Bacon's classification of false notions or ways f looking at things in Novum Organum? (5) I_o_a Could it be idola????
21a Claude _ _ ; French social anthropologist who analysed the structural relations of cultural systems (4 - 7) 22d James _ _ ' British General who commanded British Forces in America in the early...
16a Leading general of Cromwells Parlimentarian army in the English Civil War who was "executed" nine years after his death by Charles II (5,6)
_ e_r_ I_ e_o_
12d Dye of red to blue colouration obtained from types of lichen? (7) C_D_E_ _ 22a Female man-eating monster of folklore? (6) O_ _ _S_ 44a Classified reference list of records? (11) D_S_O_R_P_Y