9d. Continual support for artist squeezed by tax (9) C?A?E?E?? 47d. Language that some West Africans naturally acquire at the outset (6) ???A?A 49a. Noises drowning wifes mild oath (7) ??O?N?S 26a....
8d. Pragmatic partners getting together in registry office marriage (6,8) U????? A???A??? 20d. Competitive course people follow (9) R?C?????? 28d. Rude group around ring-leader in bar between five and...
35a. A letter that's optional (10) ?E?M?S?I?E (Is it permissive and if so, why?) 47a. Soldiers with widespread pieces left inside (8) ???L?M?N Thanks in advance
Last two please. 35a. Ape pinching jar finally caught by charitable disciple (6) ?O?C?S 54a. One of Madame's round little rooms becomes free (7) U?L?O?E Thanks in advance
5d. Formally request parking place, a year since going without (5,3) A?P?Y ?O? 19d. An actor's welcoming navy people to deck (8)???R?E?? 49a. Book's spine has frayed with age at last (9) E?H?S?A?S...
29a. Hear about queen's works (7) T?N?E?Y 3d. Not read all of page - work hastily (5) S?I?P 28d. From border some say entitled to a more pleasant railway (4-6,4) ?D?R ?E?S?E ?I?E Thanks in advance
Help please - last few. 28a. Still one area diminished by God, there's no escaping it (5,7) E?E?T ?O?I?O? 54a. Declare it's some corn from Cornwall? (5) S???R 49d. A love for twins perhaps (5) A?I??...
4d. Keeping spellbound, then somehow recovering strength to expel sorcery at last (11) E?T???????G 11d. Down tools with a hostile manner - do so for theatrical effect (6,2,8) ??R?K? A? A?T?T??? 53a....
29a. Publicised concert with extremely unusual attendance: 500 (11) ????U?????? 13a. What may reveal a name strangely tainted with celebrity (8,8) ????T??? ????E??? 36a. Perhaps interviewer's...
5a. Early signs bank will get nothing back (6,1) L?N?A? B 51d. Upright character supporting strip club (5) L?T?? 1a. Callaghan's accepted old chestnut about a German (7) ??A?H?M Thanks in advance
Last one. I can guess the answer but would appreciate an explanation please. 4d. Crown, supporting judge, gets force to reduce charges? (4-3) R?T? C?T Thanks.
53a. French volume about Latin added to short written works (5) L?T?E 26d. Cabinet member with anger about nothing (7) A?M?I?E 11d. Saying a mild oath when upset (5) A?A?E Thanks in advance