I want to send and receive pics on my L6 but I have a problem activating the mobile to do this .I've tried the methods mentioned on the website which didn't work. There was a number to phone namely...
Very sad to read about his death at such a young age these days. He set some very good teasing puzzles and wiil be missed by us all. I spoke to him on a few occasions and he was always very helpful
The download happened without a problem but when I came to use it either freezes completely or I get the panel saying there is a fault and will have to close down. I revert back to IE6 no problems....
Can someone please remind me of the programme which will enable me to stop an annoying icon appearing after the computer has loaded? I know it shows all the start-up icons and all I have to do is tick...
There has been a few ideas of helpful sites to help solve crosswords. Very interesting but I use a very useful CD Rom I have of the Collins English Dictionary which has a wordsearch facility which I...
I used 'autofill' on the Google toolbar regulary but when I downloaded the latest update for the toolbar it disappeared for some reason. Has it fact gone or is it hidden somewhere? Appreciate some...
17d Informal word for a doleful person M????? 22a Body of the landed gentry ??????D?M 23d Cease to maintain fixed relationship between currencies ????G Thanks
14d Ungrammatical, loosely putting together <P align=center>?s???a?t?c 18a Large, conspicious jewellery <P align=center>b?i?g ?l??? 20a N. W. France Calvinist stronghold in 16th century...