16d A lazy person might be really tired [8] ?E???E?? 21acc Ailing leader is dosing up, because of this? [9] ????N?S?S 26acc Powerful people settle back to ring Brown [6] ????N? 17dn Hand over drugs...
3dn Volatile lover of old guy keeps it hidden [9]????????E 4dn Sticking up for public transport, issue a tirade [11] ????U???A?? 17dn Painter's spirit tipped over a table [8] ?U???I?? 14acc Pint pots...
1acc In establishment serving drinks, another empty bottle [6] 11dn Before last part, raise drink{8] 2dn Blame a financial centre for greed [8] 22dn Some old capital in African country [6] Many thanks...
6acc Scientist turned in after book[6] ????I? 10acc Writer takes drink having trapped wind [8] ??????P? 11acc Modern art gallery enthralled by plastic bottle [5,5,3,3,] State of the art??? Many thanks...
17dn After a period of time, man is giving punishment[8] Spanking? 168dn Sweet loaf one with lemonade? [8] L???I??? 22dn Bank perhaps fine not opening? {6] ??N??? 28acc Vision of ugliness viewed by...
25acc Tool sellers dropping drink at the front [6] ?????S
21acc Servant forced to dictate [4] ??I?
21dn So called fundamental state [5] ??I??
Many thanks in anticipation....
12acc Dad's meeting son while away [4]P???
20dn Go off right opening chest [5] B?R?T
24dn Fly that is chasing husband [3] H?E Hie??
Many thanks in anticipation...
12acc Better opportunity originally missed, in conclusion [8] ?N???C?? 8dn Where ancient giant stood in more than one street, it's said? [6] ?????S 6dn Generous type, devil with tail up somewhat {5}...
Help to get started please. 16acc Chances to learn about girls after getting flat [7,7] 13acc Finest people categorised as AB, not out of this world [4,2,3,5] 14dn Pine variety spanning great...
10 acc Juvenile, unconscious criminal act [10] ?I?N?H?I?G
3dn This may be incorrect A large friendly bear standing up, fair game? [4,2] Pooh ba???
Many thanks in anticipation...