13dn Drunk liberal punches yours truly in drink [9] ??R?????E.
21dn Lover that has a smoking-hot body [5] ????
25acc Principal appealing to Miss Penny [7] ????I?G
Many thanks in anticipation....
1acc Outskirts of Brisbane left right behind too[7} ??S???S
28acc Nick is closer in an aggressive way [7] S?A?M?R {SLAMMER??]
Many thanks in anticipation...
23dn Digs using hook [4] ?A?F [Gaff?]
17acc Close your old houses [8] T?U?D???
16dn Rather weak swimmer grabs bar [8] ???I?I?H
Many thanks in anticipation....
1acc Dismiss concerto,say, that sparkles all to briefly [8] ??????R? 9acc Coming from a northern place, Poles should embrace part of southern Europe [8] ??????A? 11acc Early Protestant religious...
11acc Horse heading for a poisonous shrub[5] ??C?R
17acc Yarn put around top of fancy sock [4] ?I?F
29acc Adeptly cutting mock diamonds one sells? JEWELLER?
Many thanks in anaticipation....
17acc My word is very good around hospital [5] ?O?H
5 acc 23 scoffing slice of Roquefort and these? [6] ?R?P?S [Grapes??]
Many thanks in anticipation...
3 dn Interpreters start to discuss part of New Testament about silver [9] D???O?A?S 11dn Halt donation that's corrupt with utmost force[5,3,4] ?O?T, AND,?A?L 9cc Might one entertain soldiers for...