last one to do in the gardening crossword 18a one of the legendary founders of Rome who gives his name to a sempervivum variety five letters r ? m ? s thanks
stuck on the last one
11 across
group that had a 1961 hit with a song sharing its name with ... (8)
I have u.t.a.o.
and believe all letters are correct
thanks for any suggestions
Stuck on 'now for something different'. the answer relates to sport, is two words 5 and 6 letters. the letters I have are H N E G O E R R I S - ONE MISSING. Any help please
I have got lost somewhere on the code breaker on page 48. Has anyone got the anwser. I have ? r s s e d but there is obviously something wrong. If anyone is unfamiliar with this puzzle, there are no...
Sorry have looked at the answers but cannot find these two. 8 a protect from loss or harm ?o???r?e 2d incorporate, take in, take up ???i?i?a?e Am at a loss, could have another one wrong
We have found a stray dog, it looks very undernourished and in need of a wash we have fed and washed it, please can someone tell me what we should do next, the kids have fallen for it and i think...
When we move house we would like to get 2 puppies, we have a 6 year old son with cerebral palsy and plan to have more children. We are looking for dogs that are very mild in temprement and good with...