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Saga Cryptic 12d. Faces the light of day and makes off D?B?N?S...
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Good morning everyone - we have a long weekend here in Oz and for once it will be pleasantly warm, with no repeats of last Thursday, when Adelaide had its hottest day on record ....still makes me...
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Good morning everyone - and it's a lovely mild sunny day here, but heading for another hot week.....40d on Thursday, not looking forward to that. Fruity little bunch of links today ..... LEMON FRENCH...
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Good morning everyone - well we're headed for a few rather hot days here, needless to say we have people on cycles racing around the hills and suburbs through all of it ...I'll be watching from the...
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Good morning everyone - i trust you all survived the surfeit of goodies on offer over the past few days and are ready to embark on the final round for 2018 time we meet, it will be a new...
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Good morning everyone - and a very merry Christmas to all !! Not sure how mine is shaping up ....hopefully things will settle, but the fact my washing machine chose yesterday to turn its toes up does...
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Good morning everyone - from a sunny and very pleasant South Oz !! We've had the hot stuff, then gales and a lovely downpour and it's come up quite nicely for the weekend. Most enjoyable !! Now the...
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Good morning everyone - well we've gone from horrible hot to a thunderstorm rumbling around overhead and some very welcome rain long as the sleet and snow stays away, we'll be just fine !! Looks...
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No, no, please don't get excited, nothing has happened yet ..... Just thought I'd get organised on the off chance that some time, someone would come along with the links ....and wonder where to put...
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I'm stuck on the last few 8a Celebration held up by jet-lag? No problem! 16a Group of soldiers turned in, sheltered by tree 19a What baby might need for a month 20d Bit - in it a nothing Thanks in...
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Good morning everyone - much calmer here today after a week of wild and woolly weather, one day in particular when everything that could blow away did just that !!! We were lucky not to lose our power...
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Good morning everyone - another lovely Spring day here, mild, sunny, just a light breeze .....of course through the week ahead we'll have all the vagaries of the season, hot, windy and then rain, but...
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Good morning everyone - well i spoke too soon, didn't I !! Now we've got hot, overcast and the possibility of rain ...thank heavens the humidity hasn't arrived with it, just makes it bearable, but too...
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Good morning everyone - we're back to lovely cool sunny days again, ideal for chores outside before it becomes too hot and luckily there have been some showers in between...this time of the year is...
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Good morning everyone - a bit of a hiccup weather wise in the middle of the week, with a spectacularly noisy thunderstorm which lasted all night !! Luckily the animals slept through, it was the humans...
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Good morning everyone - a lovely sunny Spring day here, one of several over the past week and continuing for the next little while .....whether it does remains to be seen ( and we could really use...
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Good morning everyone - still trying to crawl back out of the return to Winter which has been plaguing us with wind and rain through a week predicted to be sunny !! Not sure whose weather we actually...
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Saga October 16a. Member in non-drinking organisation right off beer A?E?A?
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Good morning everyone - a lovely sunny day here, so we're back to Spring again. A mad morning here though, it was 'hunt the wallet' time and of course it was the last place anyone looked !! And the...
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Good morning everyone - and what promised to be a great weekend is rapidly doing reverse gear ......our daughter, flying in from Melbourne and should have been here a hour ago, has been delayed by not...

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