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stuck on one in Agri word Hot cardinals beside a hot English river ? it must be all the feathery layers here, 3,5 h?n, ?o??e last one all help gratefully received Míle buíochas...
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potentae seen in Moslem Iran 4 letter s I have d??r and they appear to be correct last clue míle buíochas any help gratefully received...
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sources of worry that trouble a person 6 letters I have ?e?o?s Míle buiochas thank you...
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last one Carole hes rewritten some musical pieces 8 letters anagram I think I have S?o?r?l?s all help gratefully received Míle Buíochas...
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stuck on two in this one Bresola , for example, will give a scottish town many a complaint . 3 words 3-5, 4. A??-d?i?d, ?e?f. on which Mozzella producers graze their herds, 7 , 5 Buffalow ?r??s any...
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Last clue refrains , avoids 8letters R?r?e?r? no sure about 2nd r Míle buíochas x...
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míle buíochas for any help give your seat to the big leveret and allow things to settle down 3,3,4,3 ?e?, t?e, ?a??,s?t, míle buíochas thanks...
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thought I was finished use it when digging turf with a learner from offaly l?y any help because very tired go raibh maith agaibh...
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This owes me a magnificent mixture 7 letters I have ?w??o?e last one míle buíochas...
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fixed to the front of the vehicle are these places where beefy can get a drink 2 words 4,4 b?l? b??s all help gratefuly received Míle buíochas...
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stuck on one Remove pips from veg or fruit 6 letters d?s/a?
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stuck on abraham lincoln quotation and speech , inspired by Jesus Christ , 1,a or i , 5,?i?s?, 7 ?i?i?e?, 7 ?i?i?s?, 6, itself, 6, ?a?n?, 5 ?t?n? can't find it anywhere Míle Buíochas...
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stuck on last one obsequious or ingratiating, a nun isnt i fancy míle buíochas for any help...
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stuck on 1 lowers these for milk 5, 6 i have D ??r? (dairy) ?a???e alll help gratefully received Míle Buíochas...
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stuck on 5 I don't know this xword is getting harder . European native 8 letters d???????, not sure if it is Dubliner, a German popularly 6 letters, ??u?m?, old european native 9 letters ??m?o?i?n,...
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1 stuck on echo again Ancient city in asia minor 4 letters I?i? . 2 . a type of sponge cake had madeira but then flowering vine wisteria ends in a where the i is in madeira yuk 7 letter ?a?a?i? 3 ....
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last one not pursued romantically on the shelf , 7 letters , U?W???d all help gratefully received míle buíochas...
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last one tonight going to bed soon, anyway can one be made to rent what's decomposed 6 letters c?t?e? any help gratefullly received míle buíochas...
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Last you all helped me but couldn't finish Got answers editted spelt with 2 t's !!!! Ilia city never heard of it thought I would let you know, Today stuck on two Missile ?c?? if it is scud then d is...
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last one today I hope xx inaugerates invests, 6,2 ?w?r?s, ?n all help gratefully received Go raibh maith agaibh...

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