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a girls name to the Spanish a fib 5 letters ??l?e not Julie as j doesn't fit with clue coming down thanks for any help go raibh maith agaibh got echo out this week on my own yahoo
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go into the chopped tree hole a pole 5 letters I have t?t?r and I still haven't got shaman w?b?n? míle buíocas for any help xxx...
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Shaman 6 letters w?b?n? all help gratefully received míle buíocas...
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A topless helicopter is good for grain storage 6 letters ?o?p?r míle buíochas fo any help...
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stuck on a few this week Such food traceability may allow one to mark off rot 4,3,4 ??r? to f?r? , one willingly provides for this person 4, H?i?, though it has three legs does it only have 5 toes.9...
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Thank you to captain who gave me agami as the sth american bird but that knocks out helices in the shape of a coil 7 letters and i have ?e?i?a? a is from agami Míle buíochas for any help...
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a south american bird 5 letters a?e?i all help gratefully received...
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stuck n two plunged 8 letters ?i?e?s??. Discarded 7 letters i have ??t?e?d . all help gratefully received míle buíochas...
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Am stuck for clue coming down very hard for me this week anyway dander I had saunter but lucrative knocked it out so now I have H from (snake sound)?c?t?? giving up slowly xxxmile buíochas for any...
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profitable 9 letters I have ??u?a?i?e Thrashing 8 letters ?t?i?i?g and finally the provision of things 8 letters I have ?r?u?n ?e any help gratefully received míle buíochas...
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míle buíochas but have a problem now with clue coming down Retailer dealer 8 letters ?t?c?i?t stock something at a loss now xxx had merchant but it didn't fit with other clues...
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features of desrt weather 10 letters ???d?e?r?s Sand? and improving 7,2 ??o?a?g up míle buíochas...
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borders 7 letters ??r?i?s drops 7 letters f???l?s primp 5 letters p?d?n can't work them ou t xxxxxxgo raibh maith agat
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safety feature that lessens danger to passengers if car overturns R?e? ?a? 4,3...
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slang for approximate 8 letters b?l?d?r? it is late and I am tired go raibh maith agaibh
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the head of a kipper perhaps ?a?p?r thank you go raibh maith agaibh last of weekend crossword
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stuck again talking through ones hat I have l?f?l?n? ist l is from lifted raied aloft .monument 6 letters ?a?s??, gifted 5 letters a?e??, and last in that corner is throw away 8 letters ?e???s?? all...
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stuck on one they are responsible for most of the eggs consumed in the world 8 letters c?i?t?n?
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last clue prototype paradigm 8 letters e?i?i???
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stuck on one is sloth corrected by all embracing practioners 7 letters h?l?s?s

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