Hello there Really stuck on 6d. Picture clue of an eye the word eh in inverted com mars, then a row of five 0' the clue being quilted fliers 5,5. I have ?I?E. D???S Help would be appreciated....
6d. What you might start with Picture of letter K ( on the slant), sign for a woman and the letter t 5,5. ?L?A?/?H??T
Help please, I just cannot see it!!...
Has anyone finished this? I cannot understand 3d. A border. 4 letters. I have RAND but cannot think this is correct, but it comes with all the other clues being answered. Also 6d (L) under the word 2...
3d Had On 4 WA?E
help please, just cannot see it Thought it was WORE, but 5a is expressing impatient contempt 3 I have PAH Therefore 2nd letter is A not O...