Question Author Mark as Best Answer Re my original question on Gilbert's syndrome first posted in Sept My son has now had all tests and on Wed visit to the doc it was decided that it was a VIRUS and...
My son has been poorly for the last month and I have been searching the net and this maybe a possible diagnosis. He has had all sorts of bloods done (high bili ruben count) and another high count...
Is there anywhere I can replace the knobs on my gas hob. One is so stiff I can hardly turn it round. It looks as if it is coroded on. Hotpoint BG 01 is the make and the knobs are on top beside the gas...
Iput the disc into the place and push it in and a few seconds later it comes right back out again. I have tried different discs and this happens. I have not used discs for a while so has something...
I have medication for high BP -atenalol- and have been prescribed naproxen for suspected arthritis and now wondering if this is safe for me to have. I am due back at the docs the end of the month for...
I have this constant pain(3 weeks) in the angle of the jaw--just behind the ear. Left side more painful than the right. It is like the pain you get when blowing up balloons. Wonder if a trip to the...