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i warm up on the quickie but fell flat this morning, 1a caper the wine last night must have stunned that bain cell....
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19a high quality format for video recorders. Can only think of betamax but that wont fit wit 6d and 20d. Helo please.
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18 a Person of superlative quality. After an hour searching I need help. I have -m-s-e-o- Any solutions ?
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Including Australia, New Zealand and Polynesia. I have N?T?G?E?. Flummoxed. Help please. Many thanks.
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What unbelievable scaremongering by that numpty Ed Milliband today when he suggested that if Scotland were independent a Scottish woman who becomes ill in Liverpool would not be treated because she...
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I joined AB abut 8 years ago and perhaps it's my memory but I don't remember the constant stream of casual racism that we see now. Every day we seem to have some story picked out of the press -...
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Has my newsagent screwed up again or is there no Sunday Telegraph GK/Cryptic puzzles today?
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I have just moved into an apartment and the en suite basin sink smells very musty. I did remove a hair ball an thought that would solve the problem but although the water drains away very quickly the...
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This might make a change from the Midwest homework requests... I remember being told as child that Queen Elizabeth I had a thousand dresses. Naturally, this fascinated me, especially when I was told...
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Why were jews hated so much?
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Its been goin off all night.sat in drive with no wind etc,rabdomly going off every few hours,then ten mins,then fine again for days!driving us mad!did fet a newkey a bit ago is it poss to be too...
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24a poor devil, I can't think of anything.
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I cannot get the answer to 5 Down: clue = Of latitude, near the North or South Pole. I have ?I?H I have tried everything!! Grateful thanks in advance!...
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being computer illiterate, is the answer to 31a wifi?
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Everything appears to depend on 8 across and I haven't a clue. Or rather I have one but cannot solve it. HELP, please.
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10 acoss - sores that can result....I must have something else wrong. can anyone help?
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Imagine a bath of water at lets say 50 degrees C,and it cools to 40 degrees C in 10 minutes. If the underside of the bath isvery well insulated, then would the bath cool more quickly, or slower?
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I am sure all my across are correct, but cannot find anything to fit
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31d&32a-canadian writer with controversial views on culture and communication?m*r*h*l* *c*u*a*
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51d I know the poison, i know how it works and the tree is a species of mulberry, but what is its local name please?

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