I'm baffled with this is there meant to be two answers Q1 The Swiss - German version of a man in red delivering gifts I've got samichlaus but should they be another word santa thanks
Hi my gran is stuck on this question Q1 the final present - a cacophony of sound example when people buy presents - then they don't know who off answer is secret santa thanks for help
I'm stuck on this last question miss Leeming surrounds father (5) I'm getting leeds but not sure answers are landmarks and countries etc thanks for help
Hi my mum stuck on this last one it has been answered once but answer was wrong to many letters stop looking, Im a unique clown (7word answer) thanks for help
Hi my mum still stuck on these Q1 reverse feline annum (4words)q2 single direction warrent(3words) q3 sides of the state(4words)q4 please admit me (3word) all i know it's a quiz to raise money for... ...
Hi my grans stuck on these 3 questions all I know the quiz is for cancer q 1 incorrect digit (2words) q2 stop looking im a unique clown (7words) q3 sides of the state (4words) thanks for any help
Hi wonder if any one can, help my gran, she's doing a quiz on London underground and she's stuck on colourful River crossing (9) only thing I, could find was Greenford but she dosnt like that any...
Asking for a friend has anyone got there cost of living payment 2nd one for tax credits as my friend thought it was goner be today and she hasn't got it thanks...
Q1 racing tyr company (2,8) something Goodyear I think q2 a druid spell for food (9) q3 John Roger Stephens song (4,6) q4 a person who is corrupt? (3,5)q5 fictional mariner (6,3,6)q6 arsenal and...