11a) E??T Silly craze from the East beginning to trouble
13a) 5 letters Stuff from Wyoming or Georgia
12d) ????I Great ingredients of Polish sauce
22d) H?L? Flashback all but one part...
10a) ????A???N Great admirer cast it out
15a) ???L??? Female loved nonetheless put off
19a) ???C??? City having style in the past
26a) ????T???? Limit a prisoner rigorously enforced...
18a) Could be 7letters or 3letters
O??E??? (7) ?E? (E)
15d) O???N..Pale wings of audacious bird
16d) S???L..Cool character with lines
23d) A??D .. Round figures, rather...
28a) ??S?A.. Book chosen minus its covers and introduction
25d) E??E... Notes about British nobleman
26d) S??A... A bird recovered height and acceleration
Last 0nes....Thank you...
Last ones!!!
10a) T??N...Detailed article lacking substance
15a) A???T...Strength, when predetermined
8d) T????LE...Specified story with a pruned plant...
Need help just to get started today please....Must be the time change
3d) 11 letters...Views going up and down
6d) ??T????????...Dash north from Egypt's capital city.
Thank you...
I think(?) I have finished! But just wondering if anyone...Danny? can explain why I have some answers!
18a) BOMBE...….18d) BAR......19d) ELI
Thank you...