an old testament book containing the oracles of a hebrew prophet of the 7th century bc (5) the letters i have are n_h_m im not sure if i have gone wrong somewhere...
14 Across, Time to stir the brew(8,4) 18 Across, Governing body churned up in Mali City(12) 4 Down, Duplicate diamond that is protected by law(6,6) 11 Down, In row over stunning produc's individual...
I put this in the media & TV topic instead of here. Is there any way it can be removed please? Is in Paris but without a point(4) pattern: E - S - Last German to enter here at mouth of River...
the answer is a nursery rhyme, the obvious answer is 'mary had a little lamb' but we've already got that answer for the question -'leading citizen with second vowel owned an unweaned sheep' please...
Think I may have something wrong - last one and just can't get it.
3d Observer magazine - I have S?E?T?T?R.
It must be significant that the word observer is in italics. Thank you...
Hi. Can anyone help please?
24a Deprived of fees initially limited by cap ???E?T
22d I bowled, left in carefree state after following on ???S?B?E