All the answers are "DAYS" eg, Court punishment = Fine day. (1) Five hundred, (2) End of big fight, (3) Equal share, (4) Plentiful riches, (5) Little beginning, (6) puts in a fatal position....
Any help with these please........ Girl after a short time becomes ill-tempered. 6 Letters M - - - - - Studies various diets it was made up from. 9 Letters - - - - i - t - d Book another station for...
I would be very grateful for any help as to how to solve the following puzzle. The stages of the puzzle are stated as: 1) Using the clues, make up 7 places names 2) Work out the connection to find the...
Some help please 23 across Wicked intelligence about a fire raging 9 letters word patter is N?????O?S Also 14 across Girl in lobby, one making flying ivist three words 4,2, 7 B?R? O? ??S?A?? thanks in...
Spoke coarsely, being affected by baleful invocations, (2,4), ?u ?s?d Dubious description of the hold of a drifter?, (5), ???h? Instructions that are carried out in the main, (7,6), ??i?ing ???e??...
chemical compound(?o?y?e?)
turncoats (?e???a??e?)
it's a festive song but the fool comes in to lament(7 letters)
put up an attack round the south-east (6)
thank you in advance...
23a A miner's pick; also a clamp-like section of a lathe to which work is fixed while being turned. M?N?R?L.
The only thing I can put in there is mineral but I cannot find any relation to clue...
Struggling to finish this week so assistance would be hugely appreciated. 13d Support European people settling in northern county (11) 5d Women's pension rights: a settlement is soon to be achieved...
1a. Building in which to effect a cure (10) S-o-e-o-s- 9 (something house?) 13d. Informant office communication (4) M--- 21a. Blimey, a laid back drink (7)C--t-tl 9d. Might one hammer it into a halo...
17. U.S. to get lab back first or in time to follow.(9) 22. Antipodean able to be right artist.(8). 48.Northern 100 leave as they know rack is twisted.(6) 50. Troubled city but twisted anger...
11a 'Glow' seen with each architectural feature? (8) P?R?????
Has to be per-something but it's got me foxed.
This crosses the last two clues which I hope to get with this one.
Thank you...
I seem to be stuck on just one this week, which no-one else has asked about! It must be very obvious, but I can't see it. 11a: "Putting on a diversion by armed criminals" (2,8) a- g-n-o-n-...