last 2 1d Person sleeping with commitment to garment ???P?R ?I? (6,3) 19d Address a court outside the foreign house ?L?A? (5) finally 7a Number eleven comeback by neutral president ???O? (5) Nixon ??...
1. Point to some pork: 2.the darker side: black something maybe 3.sounds like your over the hill: 4.the vagrants- vagabonds? 5.did they sign the pledge: 6.the attractive ones: 7.their 1st day in the...
Please can anyone help
Spot, among others, animal keeping dry 6 letters M???L?
also 15 across Uncle in trouble catching a fish 6 letters ?A?N??
Thanks in anticipation...
20d Man behind this tree is senior council member (5) A - D - R
Any help appreciated Thank you (Thought it should be ELDER bu maybe ALDER if so dont get it. Thks...
2d capital film met no difficulty beforehand ?????v?d?o
7a number eleven comeback by neutral president ?i???
22a confederate in fact about to leave a?l?...
1. Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn 2. many were made redundant by Dr Beeching 3. gathered for use in hospitals during W.W.1 4. famous daughter of a broadcaster daughter 5. scene of many a piratical robbery...
24. mate pilot not from east half a mo mix 33. head covering was willing to family dwelling 36. mix up BORN gratuity fire crime time in life 38. mr livingstone perform a song metric weight royal home...
9a Self-confessed drug taker in discotheque - many busted (6,2,7)
23a Not really expect family quarrel over Zenda royalties? (4,7,4) (The 7 letter word begins with A)
Thanks in advance...