Hi all, finding it a bit difficult today and in need of some help please. Feat (4) D?E?. Rebel (4) R??E. Monumental structure (7) P???E?D. Spectators standing area (7) ????A?E. Rich fruit filled cake...
Bogged down in top right corner-help appreciated. 2d.Endless confusion? Interfere no longer(5)MED??. 14ac.Cloak given to god or goddess(6)P??L??. The 3rd letter of 14ac is the same as the 4th.of...
Something done about university sale (7) ? U ? ? ? O ? I think the 4th letter is an E as the clue is Commotion involving holy person - one on river (4) ? ? ? R could be Weir. Thank you for any help...
After 20 years of trying I have finally won a Herald Wee Stinker with help from ABers, particularly Lie-in King, bulliver, chelle and boxtops. Apologies if I should have named some more ... many...
The Mail on Sunday Prize Xword Hi, stuck on two - brain has gone dead! Any answers thanks in advance. 18a Money lending at an exorbitant rate -s-r- . 10d Prolific Scottish cookery writer 1883-1980...
I'm confused!! 43a Rabbit in the Magic Roundabout. I seem to remember it was Flappy but the letters I have are ?Y?A? This is my last clue. Help please!!
(13d) It's crumpled inside the dress, leading to anxiety and suffering (8) ?i???e?? (4a) Muggy and stuffy? Israel's organisation has the answer (7) stuck on this one no letters yet thanks for any help...