Bogged down with this week's-kickstart please. 9d.Film around empty disposable dish.(1,7,2,4). ? ?U? D? S?U?F?E. Thinking its something 'de souffle'. Also 2d. Such yarns involved being unclothed? (7)....
9a Getting back, help clan in onslaught [6] D-A-R-N-
16a Restore your old well [7] -EA----
18d Seducer finding harlot dancing before ten [8] --T-A-I-...
Would appreciate some help - ground to a halt! 13a (9) Name adopted by schoolboys Ben's a common one here High.....(thought Highlands but cannot see why) 20ac went on hiking tour and returned full of...
Giving medical care at someone else's expense? 8 Letters - - e - - - n - One who makes a bit for the horse. 7 Letter - - - - m - - Postpone but keep on. 4,4 Letters - o - - / - v - - Thank you...
So, I had two left. One answer is here (as well as a few explanations), which means the other must be simple!
19d Large girl precedes year's events....
1 valve regulating supply of fuel to engine left coming back behind the square in other modification ????t??e 8 2 beginning course used to get engine turning from whats left unexpectedly with ashphalt...
Hard one. Stuck on three. Student at wheel stops to fire revolver in one. A?L? [4 LETTERS] Tips on job for worker meeting resistence and cold response. ?R?R[4 LETTERS] Back up procedures fine :...
41a Heard about animals beginning to tamper with wall hangings. We have T?P?S?R?E?. I think the defininition is "with wall hangings" and the answer is "TAPESTRIED" with...
14d One girl I beat in board game is not quick (9) I?A???A?E - I reckon INANIMATE but cannot see link with clue 7d e.g knot tied around article that's left behind (9) R?????D?R - I reckon REMAINDER...