31a briest breastie bubbie (6) -r-a-t 24d Ach! car disturbs hill above Loch Lydoch (anag) (6) ---a-h 25d how to make whisky (6) ---t-l 28d Mair wice, or no sae daft! (5) --n-r 7d Sad Eve turns up in...
!. Made for Halloween, watch number later, outside, at onset of nighttime (6,7) T?R??? ????E?? 2. Unknown number fired from outside, non-stop (7) E?E???? Clue No 12: 14 or 25 (7,6) P???S?? ?A?R?? Clue...
1down: medic fills latter two-thirds of chests and leaves high level station (7) u-d-c-s?
15 across: lack of resolution's first shown by sailors in 19(arctic) perhaps (8) -o-t-e-n?...
but one that could throw you may be separated. 9 letters. Am I looking for an anagram of the last word? i can't find one that fits so far. Any other clues please? Thanks.
1 Across, Required to fight with stones(6) SORRY NO LETTERS 9 Across, The police activated right surveillance vehicle(10)????????T?? 11 Across, Rush marked by haste,ultimately(8) ???????E 15 Across,...
1plainess of tailless bird in metropolis(7)?l???t?
2trendy companys failing(6)???i?m
3not a sausage sisters spoken about(4)n???
4professional life,Englishdisregarded,for a vocational role(5)c?r??...
Just two left I hope!
20d) In distant past recipe created confusion F?e?a?o
19a) Popular family ignored the italian's bad reputation i???m? Infamy?
Thanks all!...
Last one
Please can anyone help
13 down First of crashes in long list following motorway's aggressive attitude
9 letters M?L?A?N?Y
thanks in anticipation...