Anyone help please : Two Clues - Leverdamaged by the french Redhead-Partygoer (8 Letters) ?E?E?O?T.
Reason to Get Soil (6Letters) A?R?N?
tHANKS billyloco...
q1 fedora,beret or trilby q2 finish breaking into christian festivals q3 b-beyond a town [anagram] q4 add raw shoot-disturbed evenly q5 sounds like a saint bothered by wind q6 a bush joins some trees...
Stuck on a few .... 11a hacker's urge to make old Yorkshire produce? (6,4) r???n? ???? 16a family went round city with trumpet once (7) ?l???o?13d TV detective takes weapon carrefully (4,6) d???...
If it is any help reference my first enquiry Clue 9A now reads ??I???A???C??(I would get better volunteers with church in jaunt in Highland area) and 23 A now has R for the 3rd along with Y for the...
crowned head always inserted in travel document? The opposite
have got ?i?e ???s?
also:pound in scrap is a shock - ?o?t - I thought jolt (jot=scrap L is pound)...
No success with the first two - perhaps somebody can help me with an even more incomprehensible pair ie 3D (8 & 3) West Malaysia's currency subsuming Zambia's (both dropping 4th or 5th) with...
Can anyone provide answers and explanations for these - Corridor for Lawrence in a l-line (6) A?T?R? Pick up the french article after midnight (5) G?E?? Play with brother Eric on the fourth of July...
Thanks to previous help just one left please, 13a) sprinkler 'for the masses' according to food critic (9) I have ?s?e?g?l? , I think the last bit is 'gall' but can't think of the word
Now that you've given me the answer to 51a as CURRENTLY, that means I've got one wrong.
44d Gloss observed round front of house (5): S-E-N
Can anyone help me please?
Many thanks....