Please can anyone help 2 down Eternal City, ancient, in conclusion 8 lettersd E?????N? Also 6 down Work it with 'Telegraph' somehow to illustrate Charles Blondin perhaps two words 9 and 6 ??G?T?O??...
1ac Has reeled in fish and is tying up (7) ?????N? 23ac Servant given money ordered man: 'Try to break in' (10) P?N??????? 20ac Creature chased by a lion -- running might be sensible (8) O???O???
Please can anyone help 16 down Immediately cancel, over the phone two words 5 and 3 ??H? ??? (not too sure about the H -for 23 across I have ashen - article absorbing female, very pale Thanks in...
Please can anyone help
13/14 across Not for long, one or two or three may with dog barking
four words ???? ??D?? G??? ????R???
thanks in anticipation...
Charity Quiz Answers are well-known sayings, phrases & proverbs eg H.W.H.I.L = HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST 1)T.F.I.T.O 2)S.T.D.A.T.H.H.B 3)W.S.T.D.H.A.T.G.T...
Totally flummoxed by this weeks: 10a As Crusader, did like to follow origin of Christianity(5) C---- 11d Journalist's credentials, perhaps have got incorporated within a musical work(8,3) --I---S-,...
Struggling badly
18 across Points and numbers of fundamental importance (8) C?R?????
19d and 20a It may formally be assumed by the consumer (6,6) ????E? ???K?T...
16d bet doctor is needed in high wind (6) ????l?
19a communication showing how old the muddle is (7)????a??
20d thus 12in of plastic (4) ????
22a compel violence? (5)??e??...
4D Slender item lacking ghravity - T??? 5D Charlie takes an article from the padre - C???l?? 8A Girl has a large drink, we hear - A?????l 15A Girl can go round for substance used in leather making -...