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last one-help please 6done is on run in this 4 ?A?E thanks...
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Stuck and impatient today, 1a Take manual control or drive badly round Mile End 8 ?
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40d One group of workers get in a twist, seeing such lords (9) S?I?I?U?L looks like spiritual but what is the wordplay?
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Would appreciate some help with these clues. thank you. 11 across- One is keeping right and left while going round port(7)????R?O 17 across- One is leaving 27 after backing a short kind of...
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97a. uniformity(8)e--a-n-y thanks...
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6ac Takes responsibility for something ??O?L?E?S 12 ac Causing someone to lose confidence ??S?E?R?E?I?G...
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1. Oh what a beautiful battle!! (1,4,1,6,3) 2. Condition of affection (7,2,4) 3. It was on trial in the 60's (4,11,5) Thanks for any help........
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11a. Have answer TARPAULIN but cannot understand how this means hat. I understand TAR + PAUL but that's where it ends!
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in christianity a junior church offficer who assists or attends a priest (7)
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14d It may be beneath the staff to be escorted reeling about (6,4) ???g?r ???e
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1d Squeeze into space pump,say,with instrument (8) 6d Clear root of orthodoxy in a set of party goals (9) 19d Look up in support of good man and actress (6)...
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24a). 29 measure controls gunmen in ME country (4) i_a_. Answer for 29a is intelligence, if that has any bearing on the clue.
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also.15d grammatical category not recognised by the single-minded (6) ?l????.37d advantage of wild seas preceding first tide (5) ?s?e?.51a object to newspaper piece (7) ???????.thanks if you can help
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Stuck on the final clue to finish this quiz, although I have no idea how many oscars then have won so I know it will not be a winner, but it is good to try and get an answer for each clue. Kinsella's...
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Words containing All 1. Shout of mockery (7) 2. Diminish fear (5) 3. Misbelief (7) Any help would be appreciated please...
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1 across . saw . d?t?? 3 down anger . ??s?l?a?e
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16d belt about to excite novice 8 -a-o-s-l---------carousal fits but where does belt fit in?
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9d - Red tops in cowardly campaign (6,5) 1d - slowly describing a skillion (4,2) Gracias in anticipatione...
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12a. Sort of sight he encountered in the alps. ???g?t?
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old womanish in a way 5 an?l? any suggestions, I think my down answers are correct, any help gratefully received

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