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18a japenese verse (5) your help please
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got status quo as answer but cant understand what it has to do with orchestra?
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Really stuck. Looks like big ? Blouse?
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Can you help with these please Separate branches of tree (11) -en-r-t-o-s Many cheer destruction of a great foe (9) A---e--m- Thanks in advance...
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I am coinfused! 23a weasel-like mammal with a cream bib, now extinct from much of the uk (4,6) I have PINE MARTEN and 27a Wolfgang ....; scientist awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physics(5), I have...
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24 across Too concerned about your own welfare (4,7) ?e?f ?e?k?n?
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14a Too old? Extremely - about fifty (6) I have overly but not sure, I can see that it is over 50 but why the "y". 19a Produced artwork and so on he had trimmed (6) ?T?H?D Any or all help...
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I've put this question here because I'm hoping you crossword addicts can help. I swear I heard on a quiz show on TV that an eric is a fee/charge but I can't find it anywhere in dictionaries, online,...
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24a) Thats a good idea 3,5,7 I have N_w _o_r_ t_l_i_g ! Thanks for help
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Stuck on bottom right hand corner 21d. Trendy groups part of bigger picture. 5. Begins with I 24a bizarre laser display around middle of Bury. 7.????E?L...
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Set offf from Buckinghamshire College in time (8)
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Son coming a cropper buiding obstacle (9,5)
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14A : President dressing in fleece (7) : I have C?I?T?N : Is it CLINTON? If so, where does fleece come into it?
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13d - In Roman legend, the mother of romulus and remus (I thought it was Rhea Silvia, but am apparently incorrect) I??A Many thanks...
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stuck on two - 20across (7,3) Improve awful motor racing series *O***L*,S*O 19DOWN (5) even called pear tree *L*E*...
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6down = *H*N* (5) polished bone, the heart of style
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1 down, know how any episode can be part of life (10) ?x?????n?e 2 down Bring in the good (6) ?m???? 10 across Blast ! (8) ?????a?e 12 across Money makers (5) 28 across That they are unwed is on...
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1 down one of those strange words of action the french have (9,4) 7 down she tries to soothe ill feeling in the area (8,5) 11 across catastrophe is present in various trades Hope someone can help....
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Anybody got 5a --c-e- (Drink with Editor subject to a dismissal) or 5d -t-e-t-a-e- (What gang members are called, Bond or Jermyn perhaps) Two words.
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20d Plant bug (6) N-T--- and 26a Run with boy - the German (6) --E-E-

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