Struggling with two today -help welcomed. 23a A spy sent by Moses mentioned in Numbers chapter 13 (8) _ E _ O _ H _ _ I can't find any names that match those letters so I'm not sure if I've gotten my...
Need help with a couple today. 14a Aboriginal bag in Australia (5) D _ L _ I (The only spelling I can find is Dilly so I don't know if my 3down is wrong) 25d Member of the flightless genus of birds...
I'd welcome help on 3 today. 28a Spenserian word meaning torn (7) E _ R _ V _ N 1d In proper order (2,5) E _ R _ G _ E 4d Remove from the earth (4,2) R _ O _ U _ (I wondered if this is root up) Thanks...
hello - I'm stuck on one and need help.
21d A drug formerly used to treat depression (9) I _ R _ N _ O _ E
Any ideas? All help gratefully received.
Struggling with 3 today and any help is welcome 25d Pasture (7) L _ A _ O _ E 15a Boat trading with the Malay Archipelago and later Bombay and Calcutta (4-8) E _ S _ I _ D _ O _ A _ 23a In South...
I'm stuck on one and welcome help.
6a The music in this reflects every turn of meaning (3,4) A _ T _ O _ G
I was thinking apt song but I don't know that expression. Ideas?
It's very hard today and I'm stuck on a couple. Any help most welcome. 17a Some 'new' ones may live in Liverpool (8) S _ O _ I _ N _ 18d To lurk in ambush or hiding (5) _ _ U _ H Thanks in advance b...
Hi - I'm stuck on 3 clues today and welcome any help you can give. 18a A genus in the teasel family (8) _ C _ V _ O _ A 8d To pay for or maintain (in Shakespeare) (5) T _ C _ T 16d Producing sexual...
Really struggling today. I'm not sure if my letters are correct and therefore making it impossible for me to solve this. Anyway - all help most welcome. 13a Musical refrains (11) _ P _ S _ R _ P _ E _...
I'm struggling with a few today - any help is welcome. 17a Small town in Scotland named after river (3) E _ K (I think this could be Esk but can't find any reference to a town by that name) 21a...
I'm stuck on 3 today. Any help most welcome. 19a A species of atom distinguished by the number of neutrons and protons at its centre (8) N _ _ _ E _ D _ 30a In English law, that may be disposed of or...
I'm really struggling with 2 clues - my brain is addled by too much festive cheer! 2d To take, in French (7) E _ M _ N _ R 10d "A journalist of the baser sort of sponging prophet." (7-8)...
Hi - I'm struggling with 2 clues today - any help is welcome. 8d Of or related to the small pouch of the inner ear (9) C _ R _ C _ L _ _ 15d Wakeful, apathetic or lethargic state (11) A _ R _ P _ O _...
last few-help please 19a rare or dialect word meaning harangued 8 ?F?E?H?D 14d pad or roller for putting black liquid on type 5 I?G?? last letter could be I if ibis is right for 21a bird found in...