Better, having dismissed gathering. O-T-O? If outdo, why? I've been doing crosswords for 40 years, how on earth do you get mahogany from Wood finding tree, old golfer stymied? The bliss of Bunthorne...
Still struggling! 20 down R-S-/Cut. Not sweet to stuff bags of diamonds perhaps? 24 ac might then unlock the SW corner to finish: Talk with composer, 13 (millionaire). S - - - L - - -G. The S assumes...
School subject's dropped because it's of little value? SIXPENCE?
Eye catching and stimulating Romeo's dumped. EXOTIC? Ah, not EROTIC! But why SIXPENCE?...
Revolutionary flag millions value is MARAT. Heart? Inquiry's opening with account relating to it is CARDIAC. But why? It used to be the case that even with the hardest clues the answer was...