9d deprived of light, person exuded insatability -a-e-e------
18a basin supply to leave racecourse --n-w-----c-
3d weakness for the italiens town outerwear -r-i-t-...
33d compound produced by reaction between acid and alcohol with the elimination of water (5) e?t?r
34 dplant tissue conducting water and minerals from roots (5) x?l?m...
Hi there
Does anyone have the passwords for April 4th and April 10th. Hubby wrapped kipper bones in the paper. Numpty! I have the rest if anyone missing other dates passwords. Thanks...
12a Small groups about to drop old US soap. [5 & 7 letters] 2d Cape for my foreign politician. [10 letters] ?????????Y 7d These parrots have flown to high level, [12 letters] ????????H?R?...